Scorpion is the world-wide leader in truck bed liners and protective coatings.
If you are looking for the toughest most durable bedliner on the market, look no further than Nickels Scorpion Coatings. Scorpion offers the highest grade polyurethanes that provides a protective barrier against surface damage, rust and corrosion. The specially formulated polyurethanes can be applied to almost any surface including wood, metals, fiberglass and many more.
How Does Scorpion Protect My Truck?
Scorpion protects your truck by giving your truck bed a seamless coating that protects your truck from the elements and abuse. Since it is bonded directly to the metal, surface rust will not be present. If your truck bed rusts out, it will be from underneath, not from the top. Because of the makeup of the bed liner material, Scorpion has a high resistance to abuse. It is extremely impact resistant and will take quite a beating. It has a high tear strength rating and will perform well under normal/heavy duty use. Even though Scorpion is super tough, it is not indestructible. There is not a bed liner on the planet that is indestructible.
Does it have to be black?
It can be, but it does not have to be. Scorpion offers the widest array of colors and textures in the industry.
It is also good to know that your Scorpion Truck Bed Liner will retain its color and shine long after other liners have faded or changed colors.
Scorpion Truck Bed Liners offer a vast number of other options as well. Color matching your bed liner to your truck’s paint color is certainly an option. Even if your truck paint has metallic flake in it, that look can be achieved.
Scorpion encourages you to discuss the vast array of options with your applicator. With a Scorpion Bed Liner, you can have the toughness your require and the great looks you like.
Color Stability
Scorpion color stability is built in, not added in. This is key in the discussion of UV color stability. Scorpion Truck Bed Liners are extremely unique in the industry because of our aromatic, aliphatic, and acrylic chemistry. This patented chemistry takes advantage of the best properties of each type of polyurethane coating.
Custom Textures
When you choose to have a Scorpion Truck Bed Liner installed on your truck, you also get to choose the color and texture. Our bed liner material is very versatile and your applicator has tons of options while they spray your truck bed liner. They can spray on your bed liner in any texture you choose from glass smooth to extremely textured. There are many looks that you may want in your truck bed. Many people love the orange-peel look while others like a very aggressive texture for an extreme non-skid finish. Any which way you want it, your truck bed will be durable, non-skid, and colorfast.
Take a look at the textures that you can have applied on your truck bed.
Scorpion Bed Liner Warranty
Customers that buy a Scorpion Truck Bed Liner can rest easy knowing that the bed liner that protects their truck, is protected by our warranty.
We only sell the best products to our customers. When you buy a Scorpion Truck Bed Liner, it is guaranteed not to chip, crack, peel, or fade due to a fault in our material. We make this guarantee because we engineered the quality into the coating and it is the best in the industry. Less than 1/2 of 1% of Scorpion Bed Liners ever require service of any kind due to material failure. We use only the highest quality polyurethanes available and our products have been and are continuously tested in our labs and in the field for quality control.
If your Scorpion Truck Bed Liner ever needs service due to material failure, simply go back to your dealership and they will fix it.
What is Covered?
We guarantee that our products will not chip, crack, peel, or fade due to material failure. We use only the highest quality polyurethanes and tints that will keep your truck looking new for the life of the truck. Listed below are what is covered by the Scorpion Warranty due to material failure.
- Chipping
- Cracking
- Peeling
- Fading and Discoloration
More Than Just a Bed Liner
Scorpion Truck Bed Liner materials are used in thousands of other projects than just truck bed liners. Our products are used by a wide variety of manufacturers, contractors, and commercial industries all across the U.S. and around the world.
The reason that companies like to use our products is because of the quality, ease of use, and cost efficiency. No other product allows companies in the commercial sector to easily and cost efficiently as Scorpion. We provide customers high quality polyurethane protective coatings for manufacturers that make such products as: boats, trailers, aviation, service and utility beds, municipal vehicles such as firetrucks and ambulances, outdoor equipment, industrial equipment, and the list goes on.